shooting & editing



improve your shooting & editing

Let's get some fresh eyes on your images and tweak your shooting to get it right in camera. This also includes help with using AI to speed up your process in post.

the right gear and softwares

Using the right gear and softwares in business can make a huge difference. Let's speed up your post shoot process so you can live the life you want outside of your business.

proficiency in lighting: OCF or studio

Lighting makes or breaks an image. If you want to become proficient in off camera flash (OCF) or studio lighting this is for you. We can also pick out the gear you need.

This coaching with james includes:

Coaching Calls

  • This mentorship lasts up to 2 months
  • You will have up to 2 calls per month
    (a total of up to 4 calls)
  • Each call is a video call using
    "Google Meet" lasting up to 2 hours 
  • Video calls are recorded for you to
    rewatch when needed
  • You have the option of adding calls

Marco Polo Access

  • Access to James in-between calls via Marco Polo. This is a video/audio chat service to make communication more hands on in-between calls. 
  • A subscription to Marco Polo is included while your coaching is active.
  • Q&A for any technical shooting questions- Settings, Lighting, Composition
  • Gear selection & uses- James knows Canon, Fujifilm, Leica, Sony, Nikon, etc.
  • OCF and Studio Lighting Q&A
  • Culling Q&A
  • Presets- Selecting one & using it
  • Imagine AI Q&A
  • Q&A for any editing questions- Cropping, Exposure, Coloring, Meta Data, Lightroom Workflow, etc.
  • Critique of a galleries before and after coaching with James
  • Setting up a secure backup system for your work- physical & cloud
  • Setting up Lightroom Catalogs 
  • Setting up TimeMachine (Apple Computer Backups) and BackBlaze for backups
  • Deciding between methods of cloud storage services like Google Drive & Dropbox

James' Help With:

He's a freaking            ! He's helped me with my computer and what a DIFFERENCE in the way I work now. Faster, muuuuuuuuch faster.


- Anna bowser photography

He's a freaking             ! He's helped me with my computer and what a DIFFERENCE in the way I work now. Faster, muuuuuuuuch faster.




Please keep in mind results are dependent on your work and consistency! You will have some homework to complete during the coaching process.