branding & Pricing



reach a higher market

Ready to jump to the next market of clients? I've helped wedding photographers in the DIY, Budget, Lovely, Premium, and Entry to Luxury Clients. 

raise your prices

Each market has different expectations when it comes to pricing. Let's get clear on the market you serve and structure your pricing accordingly.

level up your brand online

In order to serve higher level markets your branding needs to be at a certain level. This includes your entire online presence. Curation of images, fonts, colors, copy, etc. is critical to make a jump to a higher market.

Before her mentorship, I was booking clients around the $3k mark. Now I am                     
booking over $5k and brought in an                      for family last year!

Before her mentorship,
I was booking clients around the $3k mark. Now I am                     
booking over $5k and brought in an                      for family last year!

extra $12k


— rebecca crosby photography

"She imparted invaluable tools that enabled me to discern market trends, proactively seek out opportunities, foster deeper vendor connections, and consistently aspire for greater heights. Before her mentorship I was booking clients around the $3k mark. Now I am consistently booking over $5k and brought in an extra $12k for family last year!"

your integration mentorship includes:

Coaching Calls

  • This mentorship lasts up to 2 months
  • You will have up to 2 calls per month (a total of up to 4 calls)
  • Each call is a video call using "Google Meet" lasting up to 2 hours 
  • Video calls are recorded for you to rewatch when needed
  • You have the option of adding calls

Emily's Help With:

  • Get clear on what market you are/would like to serve
  • Structure your pricing according to your market- Work through all the aspects of pricing
  • Questionnaire to discover your IWA (Ideal Wedding Avatar) to get clear on your branding & curation
  • Deep dive into your online presence- Includes a social media and website audit for clarity on curation
  • You have the option of adding additional integration work as needed

Marco Polo Access

  • Access to Emily in-between calls via Marco Polo. This is a video/audio chat service to make communication more hands on in-between calls. 
  • A subscription to Marco Polo is included while your mentorship is active.

Invested in: 
CRM Overhaul
Workflows & Organization
Branding & Pricing
website & Seo

Results from the Mentorship:

+ Before: Unorganized and unoptimized Showit website.
+ After: A website optimized to seamlessly propel my business forward and I attribute the dramatic improvement in my inquiries to Emily's fine-tuning of SEO!

+ Before: No use of automations or workflows with CRM. Started with 21 email templates
+ After: Automations & workflows with CRM set up and functioning hands off. Complete with 30+ email templates. "Email systems have been a game changer in having family time back!"

+ Before: Pricing averaging in the $3-4k 
+ After: Prices raised to be in the $5k+ and added offerings for upsells. Rebecca saw a 23% growth in profits! She was able to double her ROI in the integration mentorship, bringing home an extra $12k for her family.

+ Before: Unorganized and unoptimized Showit website.
+ After: A website optimized to seamlessly propel my business forward and I attribute the dramatic improvement in my inquiries to Emily's fine-tuning of SEO!

+ Before: No use of automations or workflows with CRM. Started with 21 email templates
+ After: Automations & workflows with CRM set up and functioning hands off. Complete with 30+ email templates. "Email systems have been a game changer in having family time back!"

+ Before: Pricing averaging in the $3-4k range
+ After: Prices raised to be in the $5k+ and added offerings for upsells. I saw a 23% growth in profits! I was able to double my ROI in the integration mentorship, bringing home an extra $12k for my family.

+Before: I felt like a drifting boat on a tranquil pond. I wasn't utilizing any systems and felt so overwhelmed!
+After: With tailored programs now efficiently supporting my endeavors and having confidence in pricing, this mentorship has empowered me to surpass current market standards, I now sail forth with purpose and efficiency.

Rebecca's Feedback:

"I was so worried I'd leave another education investment without tangible, measurable changes implemented. As someone who harbored these doubts even at the beginning (of the integration mentorship), I am profoundly grateful for having taken the leap and embracing Emily's new coaching style. The comprehensive overhaul of various facets within my business stands as a testament to the efficacy of her methods. Equipped with newfound skills and insights, I am poised not only to sustain the current momentum but also to continually refine and enhance my business until our paths cross again in future endeavors."

Invested in: 
CRM Overhaul
Workflows & Organization
Branding & Pricing

Results from the Mentorship:

Anna's Feedback:

"If you're worried about making the jump... I was too but I'm here to say from experience that the fear I once felt has changed to confidence. Even after 15 years in business, I was stagnant and I knew in order to keep going I had to learn more & invest. Emily doesn’t cookie cutter things, she’s there for what you need and want. She dove into my business as if it were her own. You want to redo a website for a new elevated look, she’ll do it. You want Honeybook prepped for your clients for ease of communication, she’ll do it, you want her to help you with pricing & marketing, she’ll do it! Need help with a new camera or computer, that's when her hubs James comes into action! This duo of educators is worth every penny and I'm so thankful for their time, hard work and friendship!"

+ Before: No templates that I regularly use! I would write emails from scratch or copy/paste every email to my clients.
+ After: 50+ Email Templates customized to fit my brand and level up my client experience.

+ Before: No use of automations or workflows with CRM
+ After: Knowing that I can be more consistent in my CRM really has helped me with inquiries and ultimately booking more clients! You also have opened my eyes to using Honeybook for pretty much everything. Coming from a girl who wanted payment via checks, I now do EVERYTHING in Honeybook.

+ Before: I was scared for Emily to see how I used to run things because I had let things slip since I had my son. I knew something needed to change or it would only get worse.
+ After: Emily has provided such peace of mind! I feel more confident than I ever have. Which says a lot after 15 years of being in the business!

+ Before: No templates that I regularly use! I would write emails from scratch or copy/paste every email to my clients.
+ After: 50+ Email Templates customized to fit my brand and level up my client experience.

+ Before: No use of automations or workflows with CRM
+ After: Knowing that I can be more consistent in my CRM really has helped me with inquiries and ultimately booking more clients! You also have opened my eyes to using Honeybook for pretty much everything. Coming from a girl who wanted payment via checks, I now do EVERYTHING in Honeybook.

+ Before: Pricing averaging in the $5-6k range
+ After: Added offerings for upsells and prices raised a little more. Incorporating upsells brought in an additional $5k for my family!

+ Before: I was scared for Emily to see how I used to run things because I had let things slip since I had my son. I knew something needed to change or it would only get worse.
+ After: Emily has provided such peace of mind! I feel more confident than I ever have. Which says a lot after 15 years of being in the business!

Invested in: 
CRM Overhaul
Workflows & Organization
Branding & Pricing

Results from the Mentorship:

+ Before: 2 Email Templates and writing from scratch almost every email.
+ After: 30+ Email Templates customized to fit my brand and level up my client experience.

+ Before: No use of automations or workflows with CRM
+ After: Automations & workflows with CRM set up and functioning hands off. Leaving me the time needed to be with my family (mom of 4 over here).

+ Before: Infrequent inquiries and pricing for basic services without the focus on upsells for additional income.
+ After: Intentional inquiry process, raised prices & opportunity for upsells, and confidence with pricing. I have seen a 15% increase in profits even during Maternity Leave.

+ Before: Stress about prioritizing business over family but also needing to provide for a family of 6. During nap time I would split the business and house tasks.
+ After: Spending intentional time with family because my workflows and business are self sufficient.

Keely's Feedback:

"Hiring Emily as a coach was the BEST investment I could have made! She helped guide me through Honeybook and blew my mind with what I was failing to utilize. She created email templates that were made to sound like my brand and encouraged me with tasks that seemed reasonable with this busy mom of four's schedule. If you are in a place where you feel disorganized and like you are spending way to much time on things that are slipping through the cracks, INVEST IN EMILY! It's a breathe of fresh air to see how even a few hours of work with Emily gave me back time with my babies!"



Please keep in mind results are dependent on your work alongside me! You will have some homework to complete during the mentorship.